Green ammonia
Is nothing more than ammonia produced through
renewable energy with zero carbon emission.
Why Green Ammonia?
Ammonia is one of the most produced and used chemical compounds in the world. Eighty percent of ammonia production is destined for the fertilizer industry and the remainder for the textile, refrigeration, pharmaceutical, domestic and industrial cleaning and other industries.
Currently, ammonia (NH3) is produced by the industrial process Haber-Bosch, which promotes the chemical reaction of the hydrogen with the nitrogen to produce ammonia. Most of the hydrogen used in the production of ammonia is extracted from natural gas, a fossil fuel. The ammonia industry is now the third most polluting industry, responsible for around 2% of the world’s fossil energy demand and associated emissions.
Green ammonia is nothing more than ammonia produced using renewable energy with zero carbon emissions. In addition to the potential to reduce emissions from the fertilizer industry and other industries, green ammonia is designed to be used as green energy and fuel to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the steel, maritime, refinery, methanol and other industries.
The Empresa Brasileira de Amônia Verde Ltda. has the mission to help industries to go over the energy transition process, identifying how green ammonia and green energies and fuels fit into the operation of the companies as a business opportunity that unites wealth generation and reduction of polluting gas emissions.
Using an extensive network of contacts in Brazil and internationally, we connect ammonia producers and consumers, technology holders, financiers and infrastructure companies interested in developing production, application, infrastructure, investment and research opportunities in the green ammonia market and of green energy and fuels, in Brazil and in the world.

Empresa Brasileira de Amônia Verde Ltda.